``Survivor'' creator Mark Burnett believes his show is immune to the current reality TV slump. ``I think we're different,'' he said Wednesday. ``We're the original. And I think we operate at a higher level.''


The third ``Survivor'' series, set in Kenya, premieres Oct. 11 on CBS. Last spring's Australian edition was television's highest-rated program.

It's been suggested that viewers will have little patience for faux reality following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, but Burnett dismisses the notion. ``I'm a viewer, too,'' he said in a conference call. ``I'm totally in the mood for escapist television. There's only so much 24-hour news you can watch.''

Burnett called ``Survivor III'' the best ever, mostly because he and his crew are more experienced and comfortable on the job. ``When you watch for three minutes, you'll be saying two words: `They're back.'''

Source: AP